Q. In the original Bob Beck zapper I can see there are three 9V batteries but in your device, there is only one. Can you explain it?

A. Yes, you are right. Bob designed the device with 3 x 9V batteries because the device needs 27V. I used a simple electronic solution that is common in electronic devices to produce more voltage. It’s a so-called voltage enhancer. A few diodes and capacitors with an IC7660 are used to produce 33V from a 9V battery. The basic design of Bob is still exactly the same.


Q. Will I receive a tracking number?

A. Of course, the shipping includes a tracking number. Please allow 10–15 days for delivery as it is sent by regular post. You also have the option when ordering to choose DHL shipping. They deliver within a few days.


Q. I have a ….. disease. Can you tell me if this device will work for me?

A. As I am not a doctor and this is not a medical device, I cannot give you any medical advice. Please refer to your medical practitioner.


Q. Do you guarantee that your electronic kit will work?

A. The kit is tested and it definitely works. I can’t guarantee, however, your assembling skills. My 11-year-old daughter has assembled several of these kits and they worked every single time. I have, however, seen very poor soldering from various buyers. If you don’t know how to solder properly, you have the option of ordering the device already assembled.


Q. Do you also offer the magnetic pulser?

A. At the moment, no. Only Bob Beck zapper. Regarding the magnetic pulser, we are dealing with high voltage (110/220 V) and this is a very big responsibility.


Q. How long should the new battery last?

A. Of course, the battery life depends on usage. I change it two to three times a year, which isn’t some expense. You can get them a couple for a dollar. When the battery is discharged, the pulses are weak. If you can no longer increase the power pulse, replace the battery. I personally do it by feeling.


Q. Can I use a rechargeable battery?

A. You can also use a rechargeable battery. It is a matter of personal decision.


Q. Also have you found salt to water ratio for a solution that works best for soaking cotton pads?

As for how much to salt the water for the electrodes. I usually put in a glass of water as much salt as I can grab with three fingers. Basically, half a teaspoon would be enough for a glass of water.