Every device is tested prior to shipping and you also have a 100 % guarantee. If the device has been damaged due to shipping and handling or if you are not satisfied with the device, just send it back and I will give you an exchange or refund. No problem.

Shipping and handling

The Bob Beck device will be shipped via DHL express shipping. Delivery of the shipment is usually within 5 to 7 working days. Shipment may be subject to import duties beyond my control.

DHL accepts shipments from Monday to Friday. If there are holidays in between, the delivery may be a day or so later. I ask for understanding.
The tracking number will be sent to your email from me and also via DHL notification. (Please check your SPAM folder as well)

When ordering, please also add your phone number for DHL needs.

DHL shipping: US$24.50


I will send it with DHL shipping, please also provide

Regarding payment, you can pay via PayPal or Credit Card or you can send the money directly into my business account. You can find my account details below:

Warehouse.si – Be well d.o.o. 
Tržaška cesta 132
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenija – Europe

Bank account IBAN : SI56 6100 0001 3502 165